1. Go to the 'Actions for You' page.

2. Select an Article proposal in the queue with a status of 'Review'.
- Use the ‘Last reviewed by’ column to see if another Recognized Member has already provided feedback to a proposed Article.
- The ‘Last modified’ column takes into account the actions taken by the author or the Admin or Recognized Member reviewing an Article.

3. On the 'Review article' page, click the 'Send Feedback' button.

4. Review and provide feedback on the Article outline.
Important note about this step: When a user first submits an Article proposal, we encourage them to provide a detailed outline or summary versus a complete Article. This ensures the subject matter is appropriate for the Collective before they write the full Article. In this step, if the proposed outline is relevant to a Collective and meets the established Article Guidelines, we strongly recommend sending feedback to the author versus closing the Article.
- Submit your feedback for each required change separately.
- There can be multiple rounds of feedback before an Article is finalized and ready to be published.

If the proposed Article content is not a fit for a Collective or does not meet Article guidelines:
- You can choose to reject and close it. At this stage of the process, we strongly recommend submitting feedback versus closing an Article. If you do close it, please provide a detailed reason why the Article was closed.
- Once you close an Article, the author will be notified and the status of the Article will be changed to ‘Closed’.
- Closed Articles can be accessed on the ‘Review articles’ page by applying the ‘Archived’ filter.
5. As you provide your feedback to the outline, it will appear on the right side of the page.
- The Article will revert back to ‘Draft’ status and unlock so the author can begin to address your feedback.
- Admins and Recognized Members reviewing an Article can continue to provide feedback while the Article is in ‘Draft’ status.

6. Once the author has addressed the required feedback on the Article outline, they will re-submit for your review. You should continue to provide feedback until the Article is complete.
- You’ll see the feedback you provided has been checked off as resolved on the right hand side of the page.

7. Once all of your feedback has been addressed, publish the Article.
- You will see a notification when you approve and publish the Article and you will be redirected to the published version of the Article that now lives in the collective.
- The author will receive an inbox notification letting them know the Article was published in the collective.