
How Stack Overflow Advertising can support you

Now that you have a better understanding of Product Lifecycle Marketing, it’s time to explore the best advertising solution for reaching your goals. Our portfolio includes a wide variety of advertising options:

Display advertising

For advertisers and agencies looking to support conversions and drive quality leads, we offer both direct and programmatic deals. Our average view-through conversions on banner ads are 14 times higher than click-through conversions. Programmatic guaranteed deals are on a case-by-case basis and have a premium associated with them. Contact our sales department for a more in-depth discussion of your display advertising options.

We’ve found that when developers see an ad on Stack Overflow, it influences them to search out more information on their own. On average, 83% of conversions from advertising on Stack Overflow happen without a click.

24-hour high-impact advertising

To jumpstart awareness of your technology or service, we offer a 24-hour high-impact campaign. For these campaigns, we suspend our 25% share-of-voice limitation for a single day and allow you to purchase as much of the available inventory as your budget allows. This is a great option for large, global releases or generating renewed interest in an existing product.

Site sponsorship

Stack Overflow has more than +60 network sites that are built by passionate people who want to learn and share knowledge. Site sponsorships give you a 50% share of voice on that site, growing your brand recognition or marketing message.

Topic tag sponsorship

Expand your voice by sponsoring topic tags that are naturally part of the conversation and relevant to your brand. Each topic tag sponsorship gives you 50% share of voice on the topic, across all of Stack Overflow. You can even add a logo to make the topic tag stand out even more.

Direct to developers

Direct to developers is our native content syndication solution that distributes your documentation, videos, tutorials and other assets across Stack Overflow. It’s a cost-effective way to generate new, qualified traffic for technical content. By matching your content with user questions on Stack Overflow, you can reach developers who are actively looking for exactly the kind of content you’re producing at exactly the moment they need it.

Newsletter advertising

Promote your brand, product announcement or event in our newsletter, The Overflow, which reaches 2.6 million opted-in subscribers worldwide. Each issue features trending questions from our sites, articles from our blog, and other hand-picked content that keeps developers and technologists coming back for more.

Podcast advertising

Advertising on the Stack Overflow Podcast provides the opportunity to capture developers’ attention in an authentic way. Our award-winning podcast features conversations about working in software development, learning to code and the culture of computer programming. With over 12,500 downloads per episode, your message will be seamlessly woven into each episode’s content by our hosts.

Sponsored podcasts

Take your podcast advertising to the next level with a 15-to-20-minute episode dedicated to your product and how it relates to the interests and needs of developers. Your sponsorship includes a content strategy session with the Stack Overflow team to identify the podcast topic and guests, at least 1 million guaranteed banner advertising impressions, and a landing page on the Stack Overflow blog. This is an exclusive opportunity to position your brand as a thought leader in your category, develop trust, and extend your market position.

Sponsored blog posts

The Stack Overflow blog, The Overflow, is visited by more than 300,000 developers every month, providing the perfect opportunity to showcase your product to the people who are most likely to use it. Our editorial team will work with you to create a post that can be up to 1,500 words and includes your client’s byline, bio and links to your client’s website.

Customized advertising

If you’re looking for a unique, high-impact way to engage the tech community, our Spotlight Sponsorships can give your brand exclusive access to special activities planned for Stack Overflow users. For example a customized bundle can bring together a co-branded banner ad, landing page, newsletter promotion and podcast advertising to meet your marketing objectives.

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