
Direct to developers in-depth

Direct to developers is our native content syndication solution that distributes your documentation, videos, tutorials and other assets across Stack Overflow. It’s a cost-effective way to generate new, qualified traffic for technical content. By matching your content with user questions on Stack Overflow, you can reach developers who are actively looking for exactly the kind of content you’re producing at exactly the moment they need it.

Here's how Direct to developers works:

Step 1: We scan all your technical content and documentation, such as tutorials, videos, white papers and blogs.

Step 2: We map questions on Stack Overflow to specific pieces of your technical content and documentation.

Step 3: Developers come to the question pages on Stack Overflow and see a link to your precisely matched technical content and documentation.

Tech companies are already seeing how our Direct-to-Developers solution is working to precisely match their content with developer questions on Stack Overflow. Find out how Twilio saw its traffic to technical content more than double with Direct-to-Developers.

Campaign targeting options

At Stack Overflow, when it comes to targeting we do things a little differently. We have a unique way to tag and categorize content to ensure ads are always contextually relevant. We call it “Topic Tag Targeting.” Currently, we have more than 60,000 Topic Tags active on the site. We use these tags to contextually target your ads.

Here’s how it works:

  • Every question has a tag – Between one and five Topic Tags are assigned to every question on Stack Overflow. Each tag matches the content. While we constantly add to our list of 60,000 tags, we have processes in place to make sure topic tags are always relevant to the question asked.
  • You select your topic tags – You will make a list of the technologies you mention across all your marketing channels. We will work with you to either create a pre-built Topic Tag group or build a custom group for you.
  • We help design campaigns based on precise relevance – Stack Overflow targets ads based on your Topic Tags. Our goal is to ensure that your ad reaches the right person with the right message at the right moment in a highly relevant environment.

Stack Overflow also provides you with the flexibility to create additional targeting parameters, specific to your company’s goals, including:

  • Geo targeting – As the largest online community of developers, our members come from all over the world. If you want to focus on a specific region, here are the 10 countries where we see the most traffic: US, India, UK, Germany, Canada, France, Brazil, Russia, Australia, and Spain.
  • Account targeting – Support your prospecting, cross-selling and nurturing efforts by selecting from our predefined list of more than 9,000 companies you can reach on our network. We’ll target your banner advertising campaign directly to those accounts.
  • Enterprise developers – Reach more than 250,000 developers at large, multinational firms.
  • Industry – From healthcare and finance to media and software, you can choose from a variety of industry categories.
  • User participation on Stack Overflow – Users with a reputation score of 1,500 or more are awarded the privilege of creating Topic Tags. You can add these engaged users to your targeting criteria.

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