Become an AI-First Organization: 5 Critical AI Adoption Phases

Learn more about the 5 critical phases of AI adoption and discover the importance an enterprise-grade knowledge sharing platform plays in maximizing your chances for AI success.

According to Gartner research over the last six years, CIOs and technology executives at organizations around the globe are eager to deploy AI initiatives into production, but the rate of actual deployment remains low.*

To maximize the chances of successful AI implementation and avoid major pitfalls, Gartner recommends companies monitor their deployment progress against 5 key phases of AI adoption: planning, execution, stabilization, expansion, and leadership.

Gartner also encourages that organizations at various phases of AI deployment will have:

  • An established AI community of practice for sharing best practices
  • Training and upskilling opportunities for internal talent on AI skill sets
  • Enterprise-wide collaboration and AI education

As a strategic partner in your AI initiatives, Stack Overflow for Teams is purpose-built as a place for technologists to collaborate and share learnings across all critical phases of AI adoption and deployment.

Learn more about the 5 critical phases of AI adoption and discover the importance an enterprise-grade knowledge sharing platform plays in maximizing your chances for AI success.

*Source: Gartner CIO Surveys (2019-2024)

Gartner, Become an AI-First Organization: 5 Critical AI Adoption Phases 13 October 2023, Svetlana Sicular Et Al. GARTNER is a registered trademark and service mark of Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and internationally and is used herein with permission. All rights reserved.

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