Stack Overflow's AI Maturity Matrix

The journey to functional AI maturity is not a linear one. Gauge your current capabilities and identify actionable next steps to get to the next stage in your AI journey with our AI Maturity Matrix.

AI maturity encompasses many capabilities and is not a linear path for most organizations. Some companies have stronger competence in certain capabilities, but are not as far along in others. When looking at a successful AI implementation, a range of capabilities must work together to ensure the outcome is successful.

Below, we summarize the five core capabilities we believe a business must demonstrate, in order to ensure they have the right environment for a successful AI implementation.

Data inputs

What to consider: What are the quantity and quality of data sources you have available? What is the structure of that data and how is that data maintained and/or updated?

Tech stack and infrastructure

What to consider: What are your software and hardware support needs? What is your tool and compute budget for technology? Are you going to build, buy, or borrow?

Team resources

What to consider: What AI talent do you have on your teams? What is your talent budget? Does your team have bandwidth for new AI initiatives or to upskill as needed?


What to consider: What is your executive support for new AI initiatives? Have you conducted a market analysis and do you have a defined AI use-case(s)?

Security, privacy, & legal

What to consider: What kind of data are you collecting and/or using for AI initiatives? What security and privacy rules & regulations are you subject to? What level of security is needed for AI tools?


How to use Stack Overflow's AI Maturity Matrix:

  1. Download our AI Maturity Matrix and supporting worksheet
  2. Map where your organization is at against the five core capabilities
  3. Read on for additional details, tips, and resources to advance your organization to the next stage of your AI implementation
  4. Leverage the provided checklists and our Action Plan Template to prioritize areas of investment and actionable next steps

Download the template

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