Creative guidelines for Stack Overflow and Stack Exchange

Learn about the creative guidelines for Stack Overflow Advertising.

Banner advertising

  • Ads must be distinct from content. Ads with a white or light background must include a dark 1 pixel border that clearly distinguishes the ad from the content.
  • Only static image ads. We do not accept animated ads, pop-ups, expandable ads, rollover ads, floating ads, or other multimedia ads.
  • Accepted image formats are JPEG/JPG or PNG. Max file size per creative is 150KB.
  • Landing page must be mobile optimized if utilizing the Box ad placement.

Creative content

  • All ads must be approved by Stack Overflow. Advertisers are required to send creative to their Customer Success manager no later than 5 business days prior to campaign launch.
  • Advertisements must not mimic Stack Overflow or Stack Exchange content.
  • Advertiser’s logo or brand name must be in the creative.
  • All text (including text within CTAs and disclosures), must be clearly legible on screens.
  • Creative must have a clear call to action (CTA). Examples of clear CTAs are “Free Trial”, “Learn More”, “Watch Video”; an example of a non-clear CTA is “Click Here.”
  • Creative messaging and landing page must match. Ads can’t talk about one thing and the landing page another.
  • Any claims or comparisons made within the creative must be accurate and verifiable.
  • Proof, complete with source and date of the evidence, must be shown on the creative or landing page.
  • Any creative using another company’s logo or name must provide proof of permission to use.


  • Stack Overflow allows wraps for IAS, MOAT, and Double Verify tags.
  • Retargeting pixels are allowed for a limited number of vetted and pre-approved Programmatic partners.


All creative themes (style + substance) served via 3rd party tags must be pre-approved by Stack Overflow before a campaign goes live. This also applies to creatives updated during the course of a campaign. If creatives are not visible to Stack Overflow for any reason, examples will be sent by screenshot or test page from the client.

Stack Overflow reserves the right to pause a campaign if creatives were not approved and are not in compliance with our ad specifications. Per IAB terms and conditions, Stack Overflow reserves the right to reject ads that are deemed inappropriate for our community.